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Counselors Corner

Counseling Department

Elise Bell

Titles: School Counselor

Jennifer Llewellyn

Titles: School Counselor

Kate Lynch

Titles: High School Career Counselor

Kelly Scarborough

Titles: Secretary, Registrar

Lakeria Showell

Titles: School Counselor
School Counselor Assignments for the 2023-2024 School Year
Student Last name Counselor ADmin
A-D Mrs. Bell Mrs. Coe
E-K Ms. Davis Mr. Diaz
L-P Mrs. Llewellyn Mr. Buford
Q-Z Ms. Showell Mrs. Hinton
All Students

Career Counselor:  Ms. Lynch

Student Family Interventionists: Ms. Carranza and Ms. Bonville

There are new caseloads/assignments for Administrators and Counselors this year to help take on a family friendly approach!